It's PEOPLE, Hufu is PEOPLE!
January 22, 2006

No really. It is.

"These native dumplings filled with hufu (or human flesh), sago and yam are prized for their taste as well as their ability to make you fierce and brave in tribal combat."

I don't know whether to be intrigued...as a chef? Or repulsed...as a human. Ever since I saw Hufu on The Daily Show, I have been trying to figure out why this disturbs me so much. It's not actually human flesh stuffed into tender bread dumplings like a Sunday morning dim sum offering -- it's faux flesh, mock man. It's about as real to human flesh as Tofurkey is to actual turkey. Yet, would I eat it? I know I wouldn't pay for it. But if they sent me a marketing mound of mock man, would I scarf it down as quickly as I did the free Pfeffernuesse from Sweet Marcelline's? I just don't know.

I'm willing to broaden my culinary horizons and sample many kinds of foods, weird ones even, but I can't say I want or need to know what human flesh supposedly tastes and chews like. It's like the discussion we had the other day at work, would you eat human cheese? And by that, I mean cheese made from breast milk. I'm not kidding -- apparently people have squeezed, aged, and eaten it. "Try our Caprese Salad with our fresh Monica cheese -- she's got good flavor today." Ew, EW!

Whether or not you can stomach the Healthy Human Flesh Alternative, you must check out the awesome swag you can get over there. Baby seal is "the veal of the sea" is so very wrong, but I just can't stop laughing at it.

In other news...

Fondue at Bay Area Bites: "...So now I had done two things that messed with a classic recipe: a weird cheese and bubbly wine. Not that Clisson is weird in and of itself, mind you, I just wasn't entirely sure how it would react to the Gručyre. It could lump, it could separate, it could...taste really foul. But it didn't, it tasted divine."

Sugar Lounge at Bay Area Bites: "...and a 009 Martini made with San Francisco-distilled Gin 209 that was so smooth my lips went numb after the first sip."

Recapping Charmed for Demian at TWoP

Retard Family Values: "This week, the Manor Morons deal with the Retard's assassinating parents and learn that corporate America is evil. It's taken them eight years to realize that?"

Revenge of the Retard: "Every time a fan barfs, a Whitelighter gets her hands! In related news, Raige loooooves Henry."

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